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Ghanaians want change and transformation in their lives and i represent that - Alan assures

The leader of the Movement for Change,Alan Kyerematen has said many Ghanaians are yearning for a change that will lead to a monumental transformation in their lives.

Speaking to Mr.Kwesi Pratt Jnr on Pan Africa Television last Saturday evening,the man tipped as the next President of Ghana,said his engagements with many Ghanaians, have exposed that Ghanaians do not want only a change,but a transformational one to better their life circumstances.He indicated that this position held by many Ghanaians is based on four main pillars which he enumerated.

In his much watched interview hosted by Mr.Pratt Jnr,Alan said Ghanaians needed a change in the first place to live their lives beyond the Npp and Ndc.According to him,the two political parties have disappointed Ghanaians so much that they see no hope in them hence looking for a change that will cause things being done in a different way,which will lead to transformation positive as such in their lives.

The affable former minister with unblemished record also went ahead to cite the need for a government of National Unity as the reason most Ghanaians he has engaged pointed to.On the program,Alan explained that most Ghanaians he has engaged,were of the view that the smart people in the country were not only available to one political party and so did not want to continue this business of winner takes all politics in Ghana where one party wins and everything including positions and the running of the country is restricted to that party.Ghanaians had made it clear to him that they needed a leader,who will come and combine the talents of Ghanaians across the length and breadth of this world to develop Ghana devoid of colour,race,religion,ethnicity,political affiliation and gender.

Ghanaians according to the Independent Presidential aspirant  for election 2024 tells him,they need a leader who will rule with Plan which plan is potent enough to take the country out of poverty and the hands of the Briton Woods institutions.The Ghanaian has identified that politicians only come with manifesto promises that are not backed by any actionable plan.This has led to  incoherent policies that usually lead the country more vulnerable.The Ghanaian is therefore calling for a leader with a plan.Mr.Alan Kyerematen has put forward his Great Transformational Plan,a plan that seeks to end the Guggisburg architecture of the Ghanaian economy and which most Ghanaians seems to identify with.

Lastly the need for attitudinal and behavioral change is what Ghanaians are yearning for per his interactions with them.According to him,no country has ever developed with citizens who are so indiscipline,political class that is so arrogant,working force that is more into theft and corruption and a nation that does not reward excellence.These the Ghanaian believes calls for a leader who himself or herself is not corrupt,indisciplined,meticulous in his dealings and above all have a spirit of patriotism and competent enough.These attributes are all attributes that describes the persons of Alan and so makes him stand tall amongst the rest.

In these things lies the change that will bring about the transformation needed.

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