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It is often said that a country that fails to plan, plan to fail and that seems to be the situation with the Ghanaian government.Year in and year out, more than 100,000 graduates from the various tertiary institutions in Ghana passes out and becomes stranded.A critical look at the problem could be attributed to the lack of planning by the managers of the economy.

The solutions to this annual problem has always been nee-jerk approach.It has ranged from the introduction of National Youth Employment Program (NYEP) to National Enterpreneurship and Innovation Program (NEIP) to Nation Builders Corp (NABCO) etc.These temporal solutions very shallow has often led to government agencies and people in authority using it as an avenue to amass wealth at the expense of these innocent graduates whose parents had to struggle to take care of them at the university and other tertiary institutions.

For instance the NABCO that was heralded by this administration as the end of the problems of fresh graduates, introduced by the Vice President of the land who is currently the flagbearer of the NPP, took some Ghc 2.2billion from the Ghanaian tax payer and could not last for more than four years.As we speak,there are graduates who took part in that program that have still not received their stipends from the government.A graduate worth a sort in the view of the flagbearer of the Npp,deserved a monthly salary of Ghc700.Pathetic

The penchant for shortcut by various governments in dealing with problems that seem to be endemic is a concern that must not be brushed aside especially by graduates in this country who continues daily in search of jobs to survive.

The national service secretariat has once again released a statement that suggest that from September of this year,133,476 wil be embarking on their national service or national suffering.The question is not much about whether or not is good for them to do their service but rather what awaits them after their national service? And to better appreciate the situation,we must ask what happens to those that are about finishing their national service.Is it the case that those that they are taking over as service personnel have gotten jobs to do or they are only going to add up to the unemployed graduates association?

A simple scan through the system unfortunately points to the fact that those that are finishing and even their predecessors are still home depending on their parents for survival and what makes the situation dangerous is that these parents they are relying on most of whom are pensioners have had their investments with this same government giving a hair-cut.

The situation is very dire and presents no hope and that is why day in and day out,the energetic youth of our country are fighting to leave the land in search of greener pastures.

Day in and day out the youth are losing hope and because the leadership of this country continues to show that they are not in to serve them but to serve themselves and their immediate families,they careless.It is therefore important that the graduates that are unemployed,takes a critical look at whom they vote for to lead them as a country and not to rely on the primitive mindset that I was born into this party or that party.

The graduates must ask themselves basic questions as to whom amongst those aspiring to lead this country has;

1) A Plan
2)Political Will to execute the plan
3) Credibility 
5) Honest 
6) Compassion.

It in is in the answers to these questions lies the solution.In going into election 2024,it will not be enough for graduates whose future looks bleak under this Npp government and has been bleak under the Ndc government to continue to think the same way which leads to the same results.Something monumental must happpen to change the narrative.

The aspirants to the throne of the Presidency is known currently at least the frontliners.Of those that are aspiring to lead,it is only one candidate that has been able to present his plan and named it the Great Transformational Plan (GTP). 

In the GTP lies their future redemption.The plan explains into detail how Mr.Alan Kyerematen together with his team intends to deal with the problem of unemployment by focusing on agriculture and its value chain and also Industrialisation.The youth who are the future of this country are the focus of his plan.

Fortunately for those that finished service recently and those that are about to engage in it,on the 24th of June,2024,the GTP will be officially launched.I will entreat the unemployed graduates not to play with this launch and rather make time to listen attentively to what is contained in the GTP and juxtapose it with what is being presented by way of campaign promises by the other candidate particularly from the Npp and ndc where their major campaign promises are; using your tax revenues to pay pastors and the other saying they will rear lions for export.

Ladies and gentlemen this is what the country is confronted with come December 2024.I therefore entreat all graduates who have lost hope to rekindle their spirit by having faith in Alan who has a Plan, credibility, very honest, compassion and the political will to carrry out his plan to the benefit of all.

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