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Ghana Will Rise Again

Movement for Change

The Pillars

Great Transformational Plan (GTP)

Economic Cluster
The economy of Ghana has over the last sixty years, been characterized by severe fluctuations in performance, reflecting ...
Governance Cluster
Governance is a critical and integral part of the policy reform agenda underpinning the Great Transformational Plan.Sinc ...
Infrastructure Cluster
Infrastructure is a critical component for the socioeconomic development of any country. In Ghana, the infrastructure de ...
Social Services Cluster
The Social Services Cluster seeks to enhance the quality of life of the citizenry, and provide the human capital resourc ...
Behaviourial Mindset Change Cluster
The success of the GTP will depend among other things, on behaviourial and mindset change in the conduct of citizens. Th ...
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Policies aim to stabilize the economy, create jobs, and improve living conditions. Specific benefits include [provide examples].

Alan's decision was based on a desire for a more transformational approach, outlined in the Great Transformational Plan (GTP).


Policies aim to stabilize the economy, create jobs, and improve living conditions. Specific benefits include [provide examples].


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