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Sampson Lardi Anyenini Endorses Alan and Promises to vote for him

A legal practitioner and the host of News File on Joy Fm,Sampson Lardy Ayenini has endorsed Alan Kyerematen’s candidacy and assured him of his vote come December 7, 2024.

Speaking at the media encounter at the Coconut Groove Hotel in Accra, Sampson recounted the various candidates he has voted for in various elections including Ezanator Rawlings, Ursula Owusu etc and made an emphatic statement that he has always believed in the idea of having a third force hence his decision to support Alan.

Mr.Ayenini inquired from Mr.Kyerematen as to how he is encouraging more people to contest as Independent candidates so that his decision to amend the constitution will not hit a rock when he is voted for as President.

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